Archangel Michael 777

The Human Mass Soul Consciousness: WE ARE THE WORLD

The Human Mass Soul Consciousness: WE ARE THE WORLD

 Michael Jackson about the Soul Family and the Human Mass Consciousness:

“Everyone is connected to me- I AM Archangel Michael”

I remember that on the day when Michael had just passed, I felt literally as if every human being on the Planet is thinking about him. I walked out for a walk after crying and screaming around for a while and totally breaking down, and this little Boy came walking toward me with his Dad.

As they walked by me I could hear the little boy, maximum age 3, say with his tiny voice to his Dad: “Michael Jackson died!”

I was like, that is so strange, Kids at that age don´t get the idea of “death” or think of it.

As I walked outside, I could literally feel empathically, how the birds flew and “talked” different to each other, as…

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