Twin Flames Healing: Overcoming Obstacles and Interferences © Michael Jackson Twin Flame Soul Official

Archangel Michael 777

Dear Readers

This is a wonderful and positivity filled Article for this Weekend with Good News! I am very happy to be writing this today, as I was not always sure on the journey if I will make it. But I made it!

Because I am not alone, and Michael is healed and very strong in Spirit now, ascended, and this mirrors on me too. Recently on a particular day I just told myself: No more letting anyone mess with my energy- I got all the powers I need to also fight back on any spiritual attacks and have started so with the real Blue Ray of Archangel Michael. I held it in my hands, I emanated it from my hand palms, and I aimed it at particular souls that try to harass my Soul and Life. It shut all their energetic interferences completely off and I even almost forgot…

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