Michael Jackson: A very faithful Soul

Susan Elsa: Summer 2012

Dear Readers

This last Friday, a miracle took place once again. I just had read some details by pure coincidence, about Michael Jackson’s youth. Nothing in it was new to me, since Michael had told me himself between us privately all these things before already.

Michael had not told me details though, for he found it not necessary and knew it would only hurt me for nothing. He always said, how he felt sexually harassed often in his life, and that at times even, groupies etc…tried to force themselves sexually onto him and he wasn’t interested in sex without love. Obviously his brothers thought different and I really don’t want to go into the details, but reading that people around him would lock him into a room with prostitutes hurt me. And if he didn’t want to, they think he is gay????

Video for Educational Purpose: Michael in his own words about how he thinks. No sex without LOVE.

So, I was crying a bit Friday night, thinking of these situations seeing images in front of me, all this Mike had to endure, it hurt me that he had to live in such a dirty show business atmosphere and constantly his privacy be invaded, not just by the press. I was shocked also at how honest Michael always was to me. Even the things I don’t want or like hearing, he tells me honestly but without details.

I am so happy, Michael is not like other men. He is a clean and honest soul and he never abused his fame to abuse women sexually without any love involved. He never had any relationship with fans, not in this way. Once he supposedly even tried to warn a Jackson 5 Fan, saying his brothers did not treat women right, but she didn’t listen to Michael and went to have sex with his brother and the next day he threw her away and sent her away crying.

Original Link to cite Source:


Suddenly it all made sense even more, how Michael would be hurt when seeing me cry NOW over lies from people. Michael even told me once that he didn’t get any erection with MOST WOMEN. So, after seeing these new details I trust Michael more and more and even though some things hurt me, because I am disappointed in his brothers regarding this, I am happy to see clear evidence of Michael’s honesty and clean heart. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Michael, love you.

Gentleman Michael Jackson

Gentleman Michael Jackson

Photo for Documentary and research purpose: Michael Jackson has always been popular and liked by his fans. He always treated his fans right and never took advantage of ANYONE. Throughout all his life he believed in the one true partner and he searched for her until he found her.

So as I was crying right after reading those details from the 1970’s, I suddenly heard a familiar voice say:

” Michael loves you. He f#### loves you! “

Bruce Lee had connected all of a sudden to me once again.

The last time was in 2011. I looked up again his voice to confirm the tone of his voice, the accent in English he spoke with. Then, I felt in a second, in the blink of an eye , all sadness dissolved inside my chest and heart area.

Bruce Lee then sat down, I saw him clearly, on my couch in my living room as I was in the kitchen grabbing an Ice tea. He appeared to be relaxing and reading and thanked me in a very well mannered way, that he is welcome as a guest in my house. I was so happy suddenly. His energy is very protective, like all negativity in the air RAN FAR AWAY afraid of him. He explained that he will protect me and support me, because we are all family. Bruce mentioned, that I can look at him as my brother and true friend.

A few things he explained then were about the mind, the spirit having to flow freely like water and that it would benefit me to let go of all comparative thinking, talking of people about Michael and basically, outside negative thoughts who try to block my mind. I don’t know well how to explain all in words only, since he demonstrated things and connected spiritually to give me insight into all of this.

I thank God for creating such wonderful souls like Michael and Bruce and Elvis, and I am happy to be protected by my beloved soul family. Finally, as Bruce says, we are all family just made different or appear different, but all came from God. God made all different people and I love therefore all different people, because I love God. I always used to say that.

Now I see, Bruce Lee has a lot in common with me. We think similar and it shows me even more, that he is part of my soul family in Heaven.

Now I have some News:

The next book project is starting today and it will be this time a book channeled for Bruce, we will write it together. It will be different though, he does not want to bring up too much of his past or negative situations, that is not how he thinks. He wants a positive book, a guidance, practical, relaxing, clear. Something to assist people to IMPROVE their physical fitness, health and mind. And while I make this book with him, he said he will teach me directly and help me get stronger again after my health challenges, and then I integrate the personal experience in TRAINING WITH BRUCE LEE into this book.

Thanks guys for the wonderful scene from Bruce Lee’s Movie “Enter the Dragon”!

I can’t wait to show you guys, Bruce Lee is a great and impressive soul of light.

Sending much love to all people on the planet,


IsIs/Susan Elsa is back and channels Akashic Knowledge from Heaven

IsIs/Susan Elsa is back and channels Akashic Knowledge from all the Heavens

Thank you, my Brother of Light Bruce. I love you from my soul for being such a great role model. Thank you.